

Communications on BioPhys-Solutions' activities


- BioPhys-Solutions presented one of the applications of its ecotechnology in the agronomic sector at the symposium "Optimization of properties of water strengthened by physical process: positive impacts in agronomic applications (plant health)", ADEBIOTECH du 2 et 3 avril 2024.


-BioPhys-Solutions was invited to present the interest of its ecotechnology to formulate cosmetic products during a conference organized by the French Society of Cosmetology - September 2018


-BioPhys-Solutions was invited to present its technological breakthrough in the event "Connections R & D" of 2016 organized by the competitiveness cluster "cosmetic valley", the world's leading perfumery cosmetics network


-BioPhys-Solutions was invited to present its expertise on "Alternative physical processes on scale and biofilms" during the workshop "Deposits and Biofilms" organized in September 2016 by the water competitiveness cluster "HYDREOS"


- Biophys-Solutions was invited as part of the COP 21 presented its activities at a booth in the Eco-innovation space in the 2015 edition of the Innovation Award of the City of Paris at the Cité de la Mode et du Design.


- Philippe Vallée was invited to present the strengths of our sustainable technology for the formulation of "functionalized" Water at the 3rd Scientific Conference "Santé, Mer & Algues"; October 2014


- Philippe Vallée was invited to present the applications of our sustainable technology at U'cosmetics Symposium 2014 with the theme "Water in the core of cosmetic innovation" which aroused the writing of the following article :"Water as support of cosmetic innovation" dby the editorial staff of website of the "Cosmetic Observatory"


- BioPhys-Solutions has been selected as main headline of the newsletter of "Premium Beauty News"


- BioPhys-Solutions: clean technology in n°27 of "Green News Techno" magazine



Latest scientific communications


- Poster communication : Optimization of properties of water strengthened by physical process: positive impacts in agronomic applications (plant health), ADEBIOTECH, April 2024, Biocitech (Grand Paris)


- A physical formulation with no chemical additives, "Expression Cosmétique : Guide des Prestataires de Service de la Beauté", Août 2020


- BioPhys-Solutions témoigne sur la formation «Choisir la bonne méthode de caractérisation pour maîtriser la taille de vos matières premières sous forme particulaire» - juin 2020


- Poster communication & Article in the Proceedings – 23rd International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists Conference – “More Facts, Less Illusions” - sept. 2015 - Zürich (Switzerland).


- Chao, Y., O. Horner, Ph. Vallée, et al. (2014). "In Situ Probing Calcium Carbonate Formation by Combining Fast Controlled Precipitation Method and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering." Langmuir , 30 (12), pp 3303–3309


- "Étude de l'action de champs électriques et magnétiques sur les biofilms et via le tartre"
Philippe Vallée*, Gilles-Pascal Husson


- "The Physico-chemical and biological properties of water strengthened by the action of electromagnetic fields : positive impacts in agronomic and cosmetic fields"
Philippe Vallée, Hydrology Laboratory - Paris Descartes University - BioPhys-Solutions



BioPhys-Solutions®has been finalist of


- "Cleantech Open France“ contest in 2013


- "sustainable development" Génopôle contest in 2011




- Contest of Award innovation of the City of Paris in 2010